In our modern day, when everything is considered "relative," what is lacking is a final authority. God, the ultimate Author of the Bible, inspired its writing and gave it to man as a final authority in all matters of doctrine and daily life (2 Peter 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:16). It is as timeless and applicable now as it was 1,900 years ago when it was first penned.
Piper Bible Church is where God's Word reigns supreme. The Bible is our final authority here.
We are excited about what God is doing in our lives and we would love for you to come worship God and study His Word with us!
God's Word for Everyday Life
Piper Bible Church is where God's Word reigns supreme. The Bible is our final authority here.
We are excited about what God is doing in our lives and we would love for you to come worship God and study His Word with us!
God's Word for Everyday Life
Worship Schedule
Sunday Morning Schedule: Adult Sunday School meets prior to worship service - 9:15 - 9:45 am Worship Service - 10:00am Children's Church - held during preaching service Weekday Schedule: Teen Night - Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm 55 and Alive! - 2nd Thursday of each month, noon Larry Grissom - Pastor larrygrissom-pastor@piperbiblechurch.com |